Tuesday, January 30, 2007

San Francisco

This crappy hotel computer sucks so my last post got deleted just as I finished.

Brief post since I just learned today about some of the policy (James?) regarding blogging in the Peace Corps-
Apparently it's a lot more restrictive than I'd originally realized. We're not permitted to say where exactly in the country we're situated or what precisely we're doing for various reasons mostly relating to security. I'll try to upload photos, and I'll do my best to relate any amusing stories of me making a fool of myself, but any anecdotes have to be related with a degree of sensitivity since anyone in the world (including Cambodia) could stumble across my blog and read it.

The group here is great; everyone is really friendly and we're getting along well. It's kind of a first semester freshman year or summer-camp atmosphere as we're playing icebreakers and getting to know each other. I'm headed out now to a happy hour with some people to have my last beer(s) in the USA.


Unknown said...

i'm applying to PC right now and i'm hoping to go to cambodia in the next departure (after you guys).

I'll be checking your blog, so write often!

good luck.

Unknown said...


Long time no chat. I get the warm fuzzies thinking about you doing something so pleasantly left-wing and liberal as the Peace Corps!!!!! I suppose that your non-tourist status plus the insane tariffs/duty charges will exclude any forays into the blue onyx gem markets....
Ok, I'm not that material yet. Still reeling from my son's death, though, so unusually intense insane behavior is the norm.

Take care of yourself and mind your karma, my friend.


Chris said...

You're gonna do great. The sites you will see. The people you will meet. You won't be jaded like a broken piece of glass by the time you come back. Everyone shall call you Conor, not Corner. That will never happen. There will be so much wildlife. Get ready for the ride of your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kdkalhoefer said...

Wow, more than any other blog I've read, yours truly encapsulates the Peace Corps experience in Cambodia. It's good to know that all the ups and downs of the last two years have been chronicled with such depth and insight here. Thanks, Corner.